
Our family business, which goes back several generations, is located on the south-eastern side of Somló. Our winery are total of 9 hectares in which it is planted with Olaszrizling, Juhfark and Hárslevelű grapes.

The wines are made using a classic, traditional process: yield limitation, fermentation in wooden barrels and maturation. The winery has a capacity of 30,000 liters of wooden barrels. The wines are aged in the cellar for 1-2-3 years, after which they are bottled. Due to this and the significant yield limitation, our wines are marketed as typical Somlai, rich in minerals.


The tiny grape gives its life into the hands of man, so that we can smell it with a sip, we can hide in the meaning, joy and sorrow of our existence.

– Kisfalusi Lehel

Somló region

Somló is a 435m high, truncated, conical mountain northwest of Devecser.
[1352: Somlo: Anjou Okm. 5: 632, but 1. 1267/1297: Apachasumlo Somló market: PRT. 10: 526 is] A m. N. somlik ~ The verb evolving from the green shell of somlyik is derived from the continuous nn pronoun Tkp. it could have meant a slippery sloping mountain or, less likely, a bald, rocky hilltop protruding from the green forest area. Szilágysomlyó, Versec, Vértessomló.



Grape varieties:
Furmint 0,5 ha
Hárslevelű:0,5 ha


Grape varieties:
2 ha Oaszrizling
1 ha Furmint
0,4 ha Hárslevelű
1,5 ha Juhfark
0,2 ha Shiraz


0,4 ha Juhfark


0,8 ha Juhfark